Genio for Medical Professionals

Discover Genio - Proven treatment for CPAP intolerant patients.

What Is Genio?

  • A new OSA treatment with a tiny device implanted under the chin.
  • A comfortable alternative to CPAP - no mask.
  • A scientifically proven solution.

Genio is a scientifically proven treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It works with a tiny neurostimulator implanted under the chin. Genio requires only single incision surgical procedure to place the implant on the genioglossus muscle to stimulate the hypoglossal nerve bilaterally. Genio is a comfortable CPAP alternative that requires no mask.

Who Should Use Genio?

  • Genio is indicated for patients who cannot tolerate, failed or refused CPAP therapy.
  • Genio uses HGNS to maintain your patients' upper airway open while they sleep.

Genio is indicated for over 18-year-old patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea, who cannot tolerate, failed or refused CPAP therapy.

Thanks to hypoglossal nerve stimulation, Genio maintains your patients’ upper airway open while they sleep.

The principle of HGNS as sleep apnea treatment without CPAP allowed dozens of thousands of patients to enjoy restful nights again.

What is Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation involves an implanted medical device that treats OSA by electrically stimulating the hypoglossal nerve. The stimulation triggers the contraction of the posterior portion of the tongue, thus maintaining the upper airway open throughout the night.

Treatment Outcomes

The effectiveness of Genio in treating obstructive sleep apnea has been scientifically proven in patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Data * demonstrate that treatment with the Genio system was safe and effective, and resulted in significant improvement in patients’ quality of life.

91% of patients use Genio more than 5 days/week

61% noticed decreasing of loud or very intense snoring

82% of patients are satisfied with the Genio system

BLAST OSA Study Results

The BLAST OSA study was completed in 2019, leading to CE Mark approval for the Genio System. This study demonstrated positive results in terms of safety and performance of the Genio System. Patient satisfaction was very high, with 82% of patients reporting satisfaction with the Genio System. 91% of patients reported using the Genio System more than 5 days per week and 77% reported nightly use of more than 5 hours per night. The percentage of bed partners reporting loud snoring or needing to leave the bedroom because of the participant's snoring decreased from 96% to 35%.

Download the clinical compendium

Eastwood PR, Barnes M, MacKay SG, et al. Bilateral hypoglossal nerve stimulation for treatment of adult obstructive sleep apnoea. Published in European Respiratory Journal in January 2020.

Genio is endorsed by scientific societies and physicians. Listen what they say about Genio.

How Does The Genio System Work?

The Genio system consists of a neurostimulator, an activation chip, a charging unit and adhesive patches.

The tiny neurostimulator is implanted under the chin. Its electrodes are put in contact with both branches of the hypoglossal nerve resulting in bilateral stimulation of the nerve.

The neurostimulator is driven by an external activation chip that is attached under the chin at night with an adhesive patch.

During sleep, stimulation triggers a small forward movement of the back of the tongue, preventing it from falling back and blocking the upper airway.

Benefits for the patients:

  • The implantation only requires a small incision under the chin and is performed under general anesthesia. After the healing period, most patients cannot see or feel their scar.
  • Genio uses a wearable component that contains the battery and controls the implantable stimulator. This means there is no battery to replace inside your body and the wearable can easily be upgraded.

How Genio works

Watch a short video animation that explains how the Genio system works.

How Can My Patient Get the Genio Treatment?

If your patient has been diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea and has refused or failed the CPAP therapy, there are a few steps to follow for your patient to get started with Genio.

Step 1 - Refer the patient to an implant center

The patient can be referred to an implant center if he fulfills the following criteria:

  • Medium to severe sleep apnea (AHI from 15 to 65).
  • Failure, refusal or non-tolerance of CPAP therapy.
  • Not significantly overweight (BMI ≤ 35 kg/m2, BMI calculator ).
  • Central sleep apnea ≤ 25%.
  • Other sleep disorders excluded or treated (e.g. RLS / PLM, insomnia).
  • Dental clarification of mandibular advancement splint in case of mild to moderate OSA has been performed.

Many clinics and hospitals have qualified professionals trained to perform the Genio treatment.

Find a doctor near you

Step 2 - Undergo the implantation procedure

The Genio device implantation procedure is performed by a trained and certified surgeon. The procedure requires only one incision under the chin and is performed under general anesthesia.

Step 3 - Activation

After 8 weeks, the system is activated either in the implantation or sleep center.

Step 4 - Optimization

After implantation, your patient will need to have a follow-up visit with a sleep physician. Additional polysomnography may be required to monitor and optimize the parameters of the Genio therapy.

Genio User Stories

Watch some videos of patients talking about their journey with Genio!

Reimbursement by Health Insurances

At the moment, the Genio treatment is fully reimbursed by health insurances in Germany and Switzerland. We are working hard to obtain reimbursement in other countries soon.

Genio Centers of Excellence (CoE)

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About Nyxoah

Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah’s lead solution platform is based on the Genio® system, a CE-Mark validated, user-centered, bilateral neurostimulation therapy to treat moderate to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and comorbidities including cardiovascular diseases, depression and stroke.

© 2025 Nyxoah. All rights reserved.

Genio is a registered trademark of Nyxoah.

The Genio system is CE-marked as a medical device.